International School of Kalundborg (ISK) accepts students from all over Kalundborg Municipality and, to some extent, from a broader geographical area.
The goal is to develop the school over the next three years to include years 0-9. We will start with Years 0-7 in August 2025, expand to years 0-8 in 2026, and to years 0-9 in 2027. The school is expected to start with four mixed-age classes, depending on the number of enrolled students. Ideally, in 2025, the setup will be:
Years 0-1
Years 2-3
Years 4-5
Years 6-7
Who can become a student?
The target group for the international public school includes school-aged children of foreign nationals temporarily residing in Denmark for work, whose parents wish to enrol them in the school. These children must constitute the majority. If there is remaining capacity, Danish children and other foreign children will be admitted.
Enrolment Criteria
The following admission criteria will generally apply:
Category 1: Under the law on international public schools (KIG), the majority of students must come from families "temporarily residing in Denmark for work." For example, those moving to Kalundborg from abroad. Students meeting this criterion are placed in Group 1 and have priority for admission if spaces are available.
The criteria may be updated until start of the first students
If you wish to enroll your child at International School Kalundborg, please first read the enrollment criteria above.
You and your child will be contacted by the school in and in due course invited to a meeting with the school leader, where you can see the school and discuss whether the international program is the right fit for you.
For more information, contact the school at
Information Meetings
Want to learn more about the school? Hear about our daily life, our bilingual approach, and meet the school leader?
Sign up for our next information meeting. We offer online meetings until May in both Danish and English, and thereafter a mix of online and on-site meetings.
Dates for the first half of 2025
January 23 (online)
February 20 (online)
March 13 (online)
April 8 (online)
The English presentation is from 15:00 to 15:30.
The Danish presentation is from 15:30 to 16:00.
Sign up for the next information meeting here